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Book analysing culture from a Biblical perspective wins Australian Christian Book of the Year

Geelong, Australia

A book which uses the Bible to analyse and interpret contemporary Western culture has won the Australian Christian Book of the Year.

Australian Christian Book of the Year Award

Christopher Watkin (right) receives the award for the 2023 Australian Christian Book of the Year from SparkLit’s National Director Michael Collie at the ceremony in Melbourne on 31st August, 2023. PICTURE: Screenshot.

Christopher Watkin’s 600 page book Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture was selected from a short-list of 10 books which also included Michael Bird’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age, Andrew Hamilton’s The Future is Bivocational, and Matthew Clarke with Annabella Rossini-Clarke’s Disrupting Mercy.

Others on the short-list included Bruce Robinson’s Behind the Tears, Jodie McIver’s Bringing Forth Life, Brian Rosner’s How to Find Yourself, Jason Goroncy and Rod Pattenden’s Imagination in an Age of Crisis, Michael Wood’s Practicing Peace, and, Daniel Sih’s Raising Tech-Healthy Humans.

The judges – who included former Bible Society CEO Greg Clarke, writer and broadcaster Meredith Lake and writer Catherine Place – described the book as “ambitious and daunting” and an “enlightening and absorbing read”. 

Speaking at the awards ceremony in Melbourne on Thursday night, Watkin said he would “love it” if readers found a deepened love for God’s Word after reading the book. 

The award, which is presents by Christian literature organisation Sparklit, is given in recognition of execellence in Australian Christian writing and publishing with entries judged with an eye to originality, literary style and the contribution the book makes in meeting the need for Christian writing in the Australian market. 

Caleb MacLaren from Victoria won the Australian Christian Teen Writer Award with his screenplay The Journey.



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