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New abuse report in hand, US Catholics and attorneys general map next moves

Pennsylvania press conference

RNS When Pennsylvania officials unveiled a report this week detailing accusations that Catholic priests had sexually abused more than 1,000 children since the 1940s and that church officials shielded the abusers, the public outcry was swift. Some compared the document to The Boston Globe’s 2002 “Spotlight” investigation, which unearthed comparably horrifying allegations in Massachusetts. But two days […]


Catholic priests celibacy

US Jesuit priest THOMAS REESE, in an article first published on Religion News Service, reflects on the issue of celibacy among Catholic priests and how the church should respond when violations occur…

Pope Francis warns oil executives “energy use must not destroy civilisation”

Pope Francis has warned a group of leading oil executives that while civilisation requires energy, “energy use must not destroy civilisation”. The Pope was addressing a two day conference held at the Vatican last Friday and Saturday. Senior executives of leading oil and gas companies including ExxonMobil, Eni, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Equinor and Pemex […]

Australian nun ordered to leave The Philippines

A 71-year-old Australian nun has been ordered to leave The Philippines within 30 days after immigration authorities revoked her visa for joining protest rallies. Sister Patricia Fox, co-founder and superior of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion in the Philippines, was ordered to leave after authorities reportedly said she had engaged in activities not permitted […]

US Catholic bishops side with labour unions in Supreme Court case

Supreme Court

RNS    The US Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC PICTURE: Duncan Lock/Creative Commons US Roman Catholic bishops are backing public sector unions in an upcoming Supreme Court case, pitting church leaders against the Trump administration and conservatives in a legal battle over how organised labour is financed. In an amicus brief filed on Friday in […]

Visiting Colombia, Pope addresses patriarchy, violence against women

Thomson Reuters Foundation Pope Francis, visiting a war-torn region of Colombia, on Friday said women are weighed down by patriarchal and chauvinistic customs and violence against women is widespread. The Argentine pontiff, saying mass in the central plains city of Villavicencio, told his listeners that the Bible celebrates women who were strong and influential. The […]