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After Ceuta surge, Spain’s regions agree to house 200 young migrants

Spain Ceuta migrants

Madrid, SpainReuters Spain will transfer some 200 unaccompanied Moroccan children from its North African enclave of Ceuta to other regions after a surge in migration overwhelmed the city’s infrastructure, stoking tensions between Madrid and Rabat. Around 8,000 people swam into Ceuta or clambered over the border fence early last week after Moroccan authorities appeared to […]

Rare Winston Churchill paintings of historic mosque, cathedral up for auction

Churchill painting1

RNS Paintings by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill of St Paul’s Cathedral in London and the Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakech, Morocco, will be put on sale by one of the world’s leading auction houses.  The paintings will be  auctioned at Christie’s Modern British Art Evening Sale on 1st March. Tower of the Koutoubia Mosque is estimated […]

“Shocking” abuse of migrants forced to pick strawberries in Spain, UN says

Barcelona, SpainThomson Reuters Foundation Spain must urgently protect thousands of women brought over from Morocco as essential workers to pick strawberries during the new coronavirus pandemic in abysmal conditions and without basic hygiene, a United Nations rapporteur said on Wednesday.  About 3,000 Moroccan women travel to Spain, which provides more than half of Europe’s fruit […]

Many women in Morocco face abuse at home, some are now speaking out

Women Morocco Violence

Rabat, MoroccoReuters Bearing pictures of scars and bruises she said she had suffered at home, Fatna Ben Ghala sought help at a women’s counselling centre in a poor neighbourhood near Morocco’s capital Rabat after she and her mother endured domestic violence by a relative. The case of Ben Ghala, 40, and her mother was not […]

Pope Francis speaks out over building of walls following visit to Morocco

Pope Francis has again spoken out against the building of walls as US President Donald Trump presses ahead with his bid to build a “wall” along the US-Mexico border. Speaking on the papal plane following a two day visit to Morocco, the Pope reportedly said that those who prefer to build walls instead of bridges […]

Christians in Morocco appeal to Pope to advocate for religious freedom

Christians in Morocco have appealed to Pope Francis, asking for him to advocate against violations of religious freedom in their nation, according to a report Agenzia Fides. The Catholic news agency reports that the appeal – from the Committee of Moroccan Christians – comes ahead of the Pope’s visit to the nation on 30th and […]

Moroccan Christians demand equal marriage rights

World Watch Monitor A Moroccan couple who converted to Christianity and recently married, ignoring threats from people in their conservative hometown, have demanded legal recognition of their union, Reuters reports. The Maghreb nation, which is 99 per cent Muslim, is officially an Islamic state – King Mohammed VI holds the title of ‘Prince of the believers’ […]