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Tim Costello steps down after 15 years at World Vision Australia

Tim Costello

Tim Costello, World Vision Australia‘s chief advocate, is stepping down after 15 years with the organisation. Costello, who is one of Australia’s most renowned Christian voices on social justice issues, will continue to lend his expertise to the organisation on issues of global poverty. Tim Costello “After so many years at this wonderful organisation, I […]


WV Uber Eats campaign small

JACQUII RUBIN, of World Vision Australia, talks about the organisation’s new Uber Eats-inspired campaign to tackle hunger around the world and why it’s targeting Millennials…

1.85 million people affected in Mozambique alone in aftermath of Idai, says UN

Claire Rogers in Beira

Some 1.85 million people have been affected by the destructive power of Cyclone Idai in Mozambique alone, according to the latest UN assessment which comes as a new appeal is launched to fund relief efforts. The cyclone, which made landfall near the Mozambique port of Beira on 14th March, smashed buildings, destroyed crops and caused […]

Children as young as five recruited as child soldiers in world’s conflicts


Children as young as five are fighting on the frontlines in countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to research commissioned by World Vision. The research, released to mark Red Hand Day – an international day against the use of child soldiers, found that children have participated in conflicts in at least 18 countries […]

Australian Christian NGOs welcome news last children will be removed from Nauru

Christians advocating for children to be removed from Nauru – where they have been held under the Australian Government’s immigration policies – have welcomed news that the final four children and their families are leaving the Pacific Ocean island. Prime Minister Scott Morrison made the annoucement on Sunday morning, saying all four chidlren and their […]