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Taiwan President tells Pope Francis she supports his AI concerns

Taipei, Taiwan Reuters Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen has written to Pope Francis offering support for his concerns over the use of artificial intelligence and pledging deeper cooperation with the island’s sole European ally.  Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen speaks during a campaign rally of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party ahead of the presidential and parliamentary elections […]

Pope Francis calls for AI ethics free from violence and discrimination

Pope Francis gestures on the day he meets with aid and charity representatives at "Centro Paroquial de Serafina" during his apostolic journey to Portugal on the occasion of the XXXVII World Youth Day, in Lisbon, Portugal, on 4th August, 2023.

Vatican CityRNS Pope Francis wants the next World Day of Peace to focus on the impact, opportunities and dangers of artificial intelligence as the technology develops and influences a growing number of fields, from information to warfare. Pope Francis gestures on the day he meets with aid and charity representatives at “Centro Paroquial de Serafina” […]

Spend on education, not weapons, Pope says in annual peace message

Vatican Pope Francis 19 Dec 2021

Vatican CityReuters Nations should divert money spent on armaments to invest in education, Pope Francis says in a yearly peace message, decrying growing military costs at the expense of social services.  In his message issued on Tuesday for the Roman Catholic Church’s World Day of Peace, which is celebrated on 1st January, Francis also called […]