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Critics of Pope Francis won’t rain on synod’s parade, says papal envoy to US

Cardinal-elect and Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Christophe Pierre speaks to the press at the Vatican, on Friday, 29th September 2023.

Vatican CityRNS In the weeks leading up to the long-awaited Vatican Synod on Synodality from 4th to 29th October, perhaps no local church has been more polarized or vocally critical of the event than the conservative community in the US. But according to the Vatican representative to the US, Catholics shouldn’t be too concerned with […]

Essay: The secret synod

Image courtesy of The Vatican

US Catholic commentator PHYLLIS ZAGANO, in an article first published on Religion News Service, says too many US Catholics don’t know about the global discussion of the church’s future…

Abuse experts look to coming Catholic synod to promote accountability on abuse

Survivors of sex abuse hold a cross as they gather in front of Via della Conciliazione, the road leading to St Peter's Square, visible in background, during a twilight vigil prayer of the victims of sex abuse, in Rome, on 21st February, 2019.

Vatican CityRNS Abuse prevention experts gathered in Rome said on Thursday that the Synod on Synodality’s potential to reform power structures and promote dialogue could also improve abuse prevention and accountability in the Catholic Church. The Synod on Synodality, launched by Pope Francis in 2021, has sought out the views of Catholics all over the […]