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Cougar mauls nine-year-old at church camp in US

Spokane, Washington, US AP A cougar attacked a nine-year-old girl who was playing hide-and-seek at a church camp in Washington state, seriously wounding her and sending her friends running in fear. Lily A Kryzhanivskyy and two other children were playing in the woods Saturday at the camp near the small town of Fruitland, north-west of […]

In lawsuit, Catholic lawyer claims World Relief rescinded job offer because he is gay

US Washington Spokane World Relief

RNS A lawyer in Spokane, Washington, is suing an evangelical-run humanitarian organization for discrimination, alleging the organization rescinded his job offer due to his sexual orientation. Emmanuel Campos Gonzalez, a licensed attorney, filed a lawsuit against World Relief on 24th January stating that the group violated Washington’s law against discrimination.  “The allegation he’s making is […]