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Ukraine says it caught agents for Russia plotting Zelenskiy’s murder

Reuters Ukraine’s state security service said it caught two agents for Russia plotting the assassination of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and other top officials as “a gift” for Vladimir Putin as he was sworn in for a new term in the Kremlin on Tuesday. The two men were colonels in Ukraine’s state guard service recruited by […]

Russia seeks extradition of Ukraine security service head; Ukraine rejects demand

Reuters Russia is demanding that Ukraine hand over all people connected with terrorist acts committed in Russia, including the head of the country’s SBU Security Service, the foreign ministry said on Sunday. The SBU immediately dismissed the Russian demand as “pointless” and said the Russian ministry had “forgotten” that Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin was the […]

Ukraine says it uncovers mass fraud in weapons procurement

Reuters Ukraine’s SBU security service said on Saturday it had uncovered a corruption scheme in the purchase of arms by the country’s military totalling the equivalent of about $US40 million. The announcement of mass procurement fraud, confirmed by Ukraine’s Defence Ministry, will have a huge resonance in a country beleaguered by Russia’s nearly two-year-old invasion. […]

Ukraine puts head of Russian church on “wanted” list

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia take part in a flower-laying ceremony at the monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky while marking Russia's Day of National Unity in Red Square in central Moscow, Russia, on 4th November, 2023.

Reuters Ukraine’s Interior Ministry on Friday placed the head of Russia’s Orthodox Church, a backer of the Kremlin’s 21-month-old war against Kyiv, on a wanted list after security services accused him of abetting the conflict. The measure is purely symbolic as Patriarch Kirill is in Russia and under no threat of arrest. It was the […]

Ukraine raids home of billionaire in war-time anti-corruption crackdown

Ukraine Kyiv Ihor Kolomoiskiy

Kyiv, Ukraine Reuters Security services searched the home of one of Ukraine’s most prominent billionaires on Wednesday, moving against a figure once seen as President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s sponsor in what the authorities called a wartime anti-corruption purge. The action, days before a summit with the European Union, appears to reflect determination by Kyiv to demonstrate […]

Ukraine orders punitive measures on clerics with Moscow links

Ukraine Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery security services

Kyiv, UkraineReuters Ukraine’s top security officials have ordered punitive measures against seven senior clerics, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday, part of a crackdown on a branch of the Orthodox Church with longstanding ties to Moscow. The clerics are among Orthodox leaders known to have been sympathetic to Russia’s portrayal of its 10-month-old invasion of […]

Ukrainian security service accuses Orthodox cleric of supporting Russia

Ukraine Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery gateway

Kyiv, Ukraine Reuters Ukraine’s SBU security service accused a senior Orthodox Christian cleric on Friday of engaging in anti-Ukrainian activity by supporting Russian policies in social media posts. The announcement followed a series of raids of property used by a Ukrainian branch of the Orthodox Church that is historically tied to Russia and has come […]

Ukraine to prepare law banning churches ‘affiliated’ with Russia

Ukraine Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery law enforcement

Kyiv, Ukraine Reuters The Ukrainian Government will draw up a law banning churches affiliated with Russia under moves described by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy as necessary to prevent Moscow being able to “weaken Ukraine from within.” In a move condemned in Moscow, Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council told the government to draft the law following […]