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ASEAN “strongly condemns” deadly air strike in Myanmar

A bird flies near the Association of Southeast Asian Nations secretariat building, ahead of the ASEAN leaders' meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 23rd April, 2021.

Jakarta, Indonesia Reuters The chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations said on Thursday the bloc “strongly condemns” a military air strike this week on a village in Myanmar, which is reported to have killed up to 100 people including civilians. Tuesday’s attack in the Sagaing area was the deadliest in a recent string […]

Myanmar junta says military carried out deadly attack on rebel ceremony

Myanmar's military junta spokesman Zaw Min Tun speaks during the information ministry's press conference in Naypyitaw, Myanmar, on 23rd March, 2021.

Reuters Myanmar’s military said on Wednesday it carried out a deadly attack on a village gathering organised by its insurgent opponents this week and if civilians were also killed it was because they were being forced to help the “terrorists”.  At least 50 people, including children, were killed in Tuesday’s air strike in the Sagaing […]

Myanmar army helicopters fire on school, killing 13 – media, residents

Reuters At least 13 people including seven children were killed when army helicopters shot at a school in Myanmar, media reports and residents said, as the military said it opened fire because rebels were using the building to attack its forces. Myanmar has been gripped by violence since the army overthrew an elected government early […]