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Bangladesh panel says fire at Rohingya camps ‘planned sabotage’

Rohingya refugee camp that has been destroyed after a fire broke out is pictured, in Balukhali in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, March 5, 2023. REUTERS/Ro Yassin Abdumon

Dhaka, Bangladesh Reuters A fire that left thousands of Rohingya Muslims homeless in Bangladesh camps was a “planned act of sabotage”, a panel investigating the blaze said on Sunday. Nearly 2,800 shelters and more than 90 facilities including hospitals and learning centres were destroyed in the fire on 5th March, leaving more than 12,000 people […]

New intelligence points to pro-Ukraine group in Nord Stream attack – NYT

Gas bubbles from the Nord Stream 2 leak reaching surface of the Baltic Sea in the area shows a disturbance of well over one kilometre in diameter near Bornholm, Denmark, September 27, 2022.

Updated: 7:30am, 9th March, 2023 (AEDT)Washington DC/Kyiv, Ukraine Reuters New intelligence reviewed by US officials suggests that a pro-Ukraine group – likely comprised of Ukrainians or Russians – attacked the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September, but there are no firm conclusions, the New York Times reported on Tuesday. Gas bubbles from the Nord Stream […]