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Nearly 1,000 migrants stranded in Med as NGOs urge Italy, Malta to help

Mediterranean Sea Open Arms Uno migrant rescue

Rome, ItalyReuters Three charity boats carrying almost 1,000 rescued migrants on Wednesday urged Italian or Maltese authorities to welcome them into one of their ports, saying those onboard needed urgent assistance. The vessels operated by Doctors Without Borders (MSF), SOS Mediterranee and SOS Humanity have been at sea for more than a week. They said […]

Bigger, better Open Arms charity ship makes its first migrant rescue

Mediterranean Sea Open Arms1

Aboard the Open Arms, off Tunisian coast Reuters Four times the tonnage of the original Open Arms rescue tugboat and with a capacity to carry up to 1,000 people, the Open Arms Uno made its first rescue on Wednesday, picking up 101 migrants stranded on a wooden boat off the Tunisian coast. “Sit down, if […]