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Updated: Australian religious schools would lose existing rights under amendments to the Religious Discrimination Bill, says Australian Christian Lobby

Australia Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Updated 5.30pm (AEDT)Sydney, Australia Key rights currently enjoyed by Australian Christian schools under existing laws would be lost if amendments to the Federal Government’s package of Religious Discrimination Bills are passed, the Australian Christian Lobby warns. The coalition’s proposed Bill has been pulled from debate in the Senate on Thursday after five MPs crossed the […]

Religious discrimination Bill needs amendments, will impact state laws, Australian parliament told

Sydney, Australia The Australian Government’s Religious Discrimination Bill needs to be amended before being passed, according to the Labor Opposition. And Independent Tasmanian MP Andrew Wilkie says he will not back the proposed legislation as it will undermine the state’s “strongest anti- discrimination laws in the country”. Queensland Labor MP Graham Perrett, a practising Catholic, […]

Religious discrimination legislation back before Australian parliament

Australia Prime Minister Scott Morrison Dec 21

Sydney, Australia Legislation protecting Australians’ right to practice their religion comes before federal parliament as the Autumn session begins in the capital Canberra today. Prime Minister Scott Morrison told media earlier today that the Religious Discrimination Bill will provide security to people of all faiths to worship freely. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, pictured here […]