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Earthquake leaves Syrians across frontlines with shared catastrophe

People arrive at a temporary shelter inside a sports center, in the aftermath of the earthquake, in rebel-held town of Azaz, Syria, February 6, 2023.

Beirut, LebanonReuters On one side of Syria’s civil war, a man in army fatigues carried a lifeless child’s ashen body from the rubble of a shattered building in the government-held city of Hama. Across a frontline on another side of Syria, a rescue worker in the white helmet and black-yellow vest of the Syrian civil […]

Colombia, ELN rebels invite three more countries to help with peace talks

Venezuela Caracas Humboldt Hotel

Caracas, Venezuela/Bogota, ColombiaReuters Colombia’s government and leftist guerrilla group the National Liberation Army (ELN) said on Friday they have agreed to invite Brazil, Chile and Mexico as so-called guarantor countries in peace talks that seek to end nearly 60 years of conflict. The peace talks, which had been suspended in 2019, resumed in the Venezuelan […]

History repeats in Congo for families fleeing rebel violence

DRC people fleeing violence

Goma, Democratic Republic of CongoReuters When Paskazia Kimanuka heard gunfire near her home in eastern Congo in early November, she knew what to do. Grabbing just a few possessions, the 58-year-old widow set off on foot with her six grandchildren – the third time M23 rebels attacks have forced her to flee.  Walking through the […]

Air strike during Myanmar concert kills at least 50 – media, opposition

Reuters An air strike killed at least 50 people at a concert in Myanmar held by an ethnic minority group in conflict with the ruling military, opposition groups and media said on Monday, an attack condemned by the United Nations and western embassies.  The jet strike late on Sunday in the northern state of Kachin, […]

At least 151 people killed in renewed violence in Sudan’s Blue Nile state

Khartoum, SudanReuters At least 151 people were killed and 86 injured in fighting in Sudan’s Blue Nile state over recent days, medical sources said on Thursday, the latest outbreak of violence to rock remote conflict-weary regions. Despite a peace deal signed in 2020 with some of Sudan’s rebel groups in the western Darfur region and […]

Resurgent east Congo violence displaces 72,000 in one week

DRC displaced people

Dakar, Senegal Reuters Fighting in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo over the past week between the army and M23 rebel group has forced more than 72,000 people from their homes, the United Nations said on Friday. The M23, a rebellion claiming to represent the interests of ethnic Tutsis in eastern Congo, is staging its largest […]

Colombia’s violence causes more displacement, explosives’ victims – ICRC

Colombia CIRC Lorenzo Caraffi

Bogota, ColombiaReuters Surging violence in Colombia caused the number of people internally displaced, forced to restrict their movements and injured or killed by explosives to hit the highest in five years in 2021, the International Committee of the Red Cross said on Wednesday.  The South American country’s internal armed conflict has burned for almost six […]

“Where can we go?” Fear and self-defence near Ukraine’s eastern frontiers

Ukraine Donetsk

Donetsk/Kharkiv, Ukraine Reuters Viktor, a pensioner, goes to sleep in breakaway eastern Ukraine, listening out for shelling in case he needs to take cover. In the city of Kharkiv, Viktoria Makarova, a building firm manager, is learning to fire a rifle in case of an invasion. Far from the rarefied rounds of diplomacy aimed at […]

Red Cross flags dire conditions in east Ukraine as tensions flare anew with Russia

Ukraine Donetsk Red Cross distribution

Geneva, SwitzerlandReuters Hundreds of thousands of people in eastern Ukraine are living in dire conditions, with poor access to basic services and under constant threat from shelling and landmines, the Red Cross said on Wednesday, amid escalating tensions between Kyiv and Moscow. With countries heavily focused just now on the massing of Russian troops along […]