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Mohler, prominent Southern Baptist, will be nominated to lead denomination

Albert Mohler 1

RNS There are seven more months before the next annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention.  But the race for SBC president may already be over, following news that R Albert Mohler, Jr, will likely be nominated to run as the denomination’s next president. R Albert Mohler, Jr, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, speaks […]

In the US, Southern Baptist seminary report ties founders to slaveholding, white supremacy

Boyce Slaves1

Louisville, Kentucky, USRNS Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the Southern Baptist Convention’s flagship seminary, has released a report delineating its ties to slavery, including its four founders’ ownership of a total of more than 50 slaves. The 71-page report, released Wednesday, says the seminary’s early trustees and faculty “defended the righteousness of slaveholding”. Boyce College on […]

US Southern Baptist seminary, in #MeToo age, appoints ‘women’s support coordinator’

Garnetta Smith

Louisville, Kentucky, USRNS Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has appointed its first “women’s support coordinator” to address any gender-related “difficulties or challenges” that women encounter on its campus. “In our own internal review, we determined it was not fully supportive of women to require any woman to have to describe what could be very intimate matters […]