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Essay: Protecting the climate is loving our neighbour

Wind turbines

In an article first published on Religion News Service, DIANE RANDALL, general secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation in the US, says faith communities have a newfound hope that political and business leaders are joining in calls for greater action on the environment…

Chocolate milk

Chocolate milk

I love this. Did you know that chocolate milk was invented by some brothers as an alternative to alcohol? PICTURE: Antonio Janeski/Unsplash In the 17th century they saw the poverty inducing, socially destructive influence of alcohol and thought – rather than post on social media and create a twitter storm – they would invent an alternative! […]

Faith leaders offer mixed response after missile strike kills Iranian commander

Drone strike reaction

RNS Religious leaders were split along liberal and conservative lines in their responses to a US drone strike that killed Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani early Friday, although even President Trump’s staunchest evangelical Christian supporters appeared unsettled about the potential blowback from the attack. Prominent clergy of all stripes called on people of faith to […]