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Survey: White evangelicals, Hispanic Protestants, Mormons most likely to believe in QAnon

RNS A new survey reports white evangelicals, Hispanic Protestants and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the most likely to believe in the QAnon conspiracy theory, a trend researchers suggest correlates with the kind of media they consume. The survey, released Thursday by the Public Religion Research Institute, focused on the […]

Faith leaders key to combat vaccine hesitancy among religious – and QAnon believers: US survey

US Chicago Addressing vaccine hesitancy

RNS A new survey suggests faith leaders are key to combating vaccine hesitancy or outright anti-vaccine sentiment among religious Americans and QAnon believers, many of whom still voice concerns about getting inoculated against COVID-19. The report from PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute) and Interfaith Youth Core, released on Thursday, divides American views on COVID-19 vaccines into three […]

In the US, most ‘Fox News Republicans’ believe Christians face most discrimination

PRRI Fox News Republicans and discrimination

RNS Most Republicans who trust Fox News believe that Christians in the United States endure unequal treatment, a new survey released on Thursday from the Public Religion Research Institute shows. But when the same group was asked whether Black Americans encounter such bias, barely a third agreed. When these “Fox News Republicans” were asked whether certain populations […]

Study: Trump’s support among GOP, white evangelicals ‘remarkably stable’

PRRI Trump views 2019

RNS Donald Trump’s favourability ratings remained “remarkably stable” throughout 2019, with the Republican base and a core of white evangelical backers firmly backing the president, while a majority of other Americans disapproved of him, a new Public Religion Research Institute survey found. The PRRI survey, taken weekly over the course of 2019 among 40,357 Americans, showed only […]

Less than 25 per cent in any US state approves total ban on abortion – survey

Views on abortion

RNS In no state in the US does even one-quarter of the population say abortion should be illegal in all cases, a new survey shows. The report, released Tuesday by Public Religion Research Institute, shows that in five states, at least 20 per cent of the population believes abortion should be legal in all cases: Louisiana (23 […]

Faith groups in the US maintain widespread support for LGBT protection laws – survey

PRRI Mar 2019 Nondiscrimination

RNS A new report from the Public Religion Research Institute finds that strong majorities within all religious groups, including white evangelicals and Jehovah’s Witnesses, show sustained support for LGBT non-discrimination policies. The newly released data from PRRI’s 2018 American Values Atlas, an annual survey of more than 40,000 Americans, showed that 69 per cent of all […]

How white evangelicals are outliers among US faith groups

Trump and Falwell

RNS A new poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and The Atlantic shows that when it comes to politics, white evangelical Christians stand apart from every other religious group. The poll found that 61 per cent of evangelicals say the United States is headed in the right direction. By comparison, 64 per cent of the […]


Graphic survey

In an article first published by Religion News Service, JOHN GEHRING, US-based Catholic program director at Faith in Public Life and author of The Francis Effect: A Radical Pope’s Challenge to the American Catholic Church looks at what data tells us about attitudes within the church in the US…