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UN says Russia abuses prisoners in Ukraine

Kyiv, UkraineReuters Russian forces and their armed affiliates have subjected Ukrainian prisoners to extrajudicial executions, sexual violence and other abuses, according to a report from the UN human rights office. The report, issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Tuesday, found some rights violations by both sides in the […]

Ukraine says hundreds of bodies found in recaptured territory evidence of war crimes

Ukraine Izium exhumation1

Kyiv/Izium Ukraine Reuters Ukrainian officials said on Friday they had found hundreds of bodies, some with their hands tied behind their backs, buried in territory recaptured from Russian forces, in what President Volodymyr Zelenskiy called proof of war crimes by the invaders. Zelenskiy told Reuters in an interview many corpses were also interred in other […]

Russia abandons Black Sea outpost of Snake Island in victory for Ukraine

Ukraine Snake Island1

Kyiv, UkraineReuters Russian forces abandoned the strategic Black Sea outpost of Snake Island on Thursday in a victory for Ukraine that could loosen the grip of Russia’s blockade on Ukrainian ports. Russia said it had decided to withdraw from the outcrop off Ukraine’s south-western coast as a “gesture of goodwill” to show Moscow was not […]

Many Ukrainian fighters remain in Azovstal, commander says operation going on

Ukraine Azovstal evacuations1

London, UKReuters Russia’s siege of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol stuttered towards its end on Thursday, with hundreds of fighters still holed up in the Azovstal steel works and some 1,700 who have already surrendered facing an uncertain fate. A full abandonment of the bunkers and tunnels of the bombed-out plant would end the most […]

Pope visits Italian prison for traditional foot washing Mass

Vatican Pope Francis foot washing Mass

Vatican CityReuters Pope Francis visited an Italian prison for a Holy Thursday Mass where he washed and kissed the feet of 12 inmates to commemorate Jesus’ gesture of humility towards his apostles the night before he died.  Francis’ predecessors held the service in St Peter’s Basilica or another Rome cathedral. But after his election in […]

Red Cross chief “cautiously positive” about possible prisoner visits in Ukraine

ICRC Peter Maurer Nov 2020

Geneva, SwitzerlandReuters The head of the International Committee of the Red Cross told Reuters on Tuesday that he was “cautiously positive” the ICRC would gain access to Ukrainian and Russian prisoners held in the context of the conflict. The general staff of Ukraine’s armed forces said on Tuesday that it was holding 200 Russian prisoners […]

Pope on prisons: No inmate should ever be deprived of hope

Vatican Pope Francis general audience

Vatican City AP Pope Francis issued a plea on behalf of prison inmates Wednesday, saying they should never be deprived of hope and always be given the opportunity to redeem themselves. In remarks at his weekly public audience at the Vatican, Francis told the faithful that “we risk being imprisoned in a justice that doesn’t […]

Ethiopia frees opposition leaders from prison, announces political dialogue

Addis Ababa, EthiopiaReuters Ethiopia has freed several opposition leaders from prison, the state broadcaster reported on Friday, as the government said it would begin dialogue with political opponents after 14 months of war when thousands of people have been arrested. The move to free leaders from several ethnic groups is the most significant breakthrough since war […]