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Pacific bloc, united, demands climate action as China, US woo

Fiji Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama

Suva, FijiReuters Pacific island nations, courted by China and the United States, put the superpowers on notice, telling the world’s two biggest carbon emitters to take more action on climate change while pledging unity in the face of a growing geopolitical contest. Leaders at a four-day summit of the Pacific Islands Forum, meeting in Fiji’s […]

New Zealand’s PM Ardern apologises for 1970s immigration raids on Pacific community

New Zealand Jacinda Ardern1

Melbourne, AustraliaReuters New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern issued a sombre state apology on Sunday to the Pacific community for racially targeted immigration raids in the 1970s that resulted in deportations and prosecutions. The “Dawn Raids”, which often occurred early in the morning, took place from 1974 to 1976 when New Zealand’s economy was in […]

Refugees on Nauru plead for resettlement as regional leaders meet

Thomson Reuters Foundation Children detained by Australia on the Pacific island of Nauru are suffering mentally and some attempting suicide, according to human rights groups and refugees who appealed to a regional leaders meeting on Wednesday to resettle them elsewhere. Australia sends people intercepted at sea while trying to reach its shores to offshore centres […]