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Essay: Do homeless people have constitutional rights?

In an article first published on Religion News Service, author KEVIN NYE says that overwhelmingly, faith groups who filed briefs in the US Supreme Court case Johnson v Grants Pass did so against criminalising homelessness…

In the US, Oregon interfaith leaders declare win in vote to tighten gun control

US Oregon gun control protest

RNS For Rev Mark Knutson, securing the necessary signatures this summer to get one of the country’s strictest gun control measures on the Oregon midterm ballot was an accomplishment on its own. Now, he and other proponents are declaring it a historic victory. “We are celebrating a victory for our children and youth and high […]

US court affirms ruling against bakery, wants fine revisited

Portland, Oregon, USAP The Oregon Court of Appeals for a second time has upheld a ruling by the state civil rights division that found that an Oregon bakery illegally discriminated against a same-sex couple by refusing to sell them a wedding cake in 2013.  The Oregonian/OregonLive reports, however, the court on Wednesday also found the Oregon […]

Amid Catholic opposition, US states are legalising composting of human remains

Recompose composting bodies

RNS Washington, Colorado and Oregon are now among the US states that have legalised the process of converting human bodies into soil, a procedure the Catholic Church said fails to show “respect for the body of the deceased”. Meanwhile, California and New York are seeking to be next in line to allow human composting. The […]

Virus outbreaks linked to three churches in US state of West Virginia

Charleston, West Virginia, USAP Coronavirus outbreaks were linked to three churches in West Virginia on Wednesday as officials urged parishioners to follow safety guidelines and warned about the virus spreading into surrounding communities.  Local health authorities said Greenbrier County’s Graystone Baptist Church has at least 33 cases and Ohio County’s First Baptist Church has four […]