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Shrine to replace church destroyed on 9/11 nears completion

US New York St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine

RNS The domed sanctuary rising in Lower Manhattan, where workers are busy installing translucent Greek marble in time for a ceremonial lighting on on 10th September bears little resemblance to the modest parish church that John Katsimatides had discovered years ago. He often visited the old St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church to say a prayer […]

September 11 families tell Biden to skip memorial if he does not declassify files

US New York Sept 11 commemoration 2020

Reuters Family members of victims of the 11th September attacks are opposing US President Joe Biden’s participation in memorial events unless he declassifies government documents that they contend will show Saudi Arabian leaders supported the attacks. The victims’ family members, joined by first responders and survivors of the attack, released a letter on Friday as […]

Hundreds of cities back UN fight against global woes

United Nations HQ logo

New York, USReuters Some 332 local governments worldwide have backed a New York City-led campaign to address global goals tackling poverty, inequality, injustice and climate change and pledged to report their progress to the United Nations. The governments signed on to a voluntary declaration drafted by New York City, up from some 22 cities when […]

Amid Catholic opposition, US states are legalising composting of human remains

Recompose composting bodies

RNS Washington, Colorado and Oregon are now among the US states that have legalised the process of converting human bodies into soil, a procedure the Catholic Church said fails to show “respect for the body of the deceased”. Meanwhile, California and New York are seeking to be next in line to allow human composting. The […]

Connecticut is sixth US state to end religious vaccine exemption

US Connecticut vaccine protest

AP Connecticut will no longer allow a religious exemption from childhood immunization requirements for schools, colleges and day care facilities, becoming the sixth state to end that policy. The legislation was signed into law Wednesday by Governor Ned Lamont, hours after the Democratic-controlled Senate passed the bill late Tuesday night. More than 2,000 opponents had rallied outside […]

In New York, interfaith coalition makes common cause against rising tide of hate

US NYC No Hate No Fear

RNS Synagogue safety has been a growing concern for American Jews ever since the October, 2018, Pittsburgh massacre in which a gunman walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue and killed 11 people. No-where has been more affected than the New York metropolitan area. In the Bronx alone last week, four synagogues in the Riverdale […]