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Muslim Fulani herdsmen massacre 20 Christians in Plateau state, Nigeria

Morning Star News Muslim Fulani herdsmen in central Nigeria’s Plateau state massacred 20 Christians, including children, as they slept in the hours after midnight on Friday in an apparent reprisal attack that mystified villagers, sources said Police reportedly said the attack was an act of vengeance after the discovery last week of a slain and […]

Clergy preach peace during Kenyan national elections

RNS Peaceful voting and an impressive turnout are buoying this East African country’s clergy, who made a energetic effort to quell the often fatal violence that Kenyans fear on election days. In the weeks before Tuesday’s election, ethnic tensions ran high, prompting religious leaders – Christian and Muslim – to preach for peace. Memories of […]

Kenyan court orders Catholic bishops to pay Muslim restaurant owner $US125,000

RNS The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops has been ordered to pay a Somali Muslim restaurant owner 13 million Kenyan shillings ($US125,000) for breach of contract and discrimination along ethnic and religious lines. The High Court in Nairobi ruled that the church owes the Al-Yusra Restaurant Ltd compensation for evicting it from Waumini House, where […]

Worldwide downward trend in restrictions on religion reversed, study finds

Pew graphic

RNS The number of countries with “high levels” of restrictions on religion due to government policies or actions of people increased in 2015, reversing a downward trend, according to a new study. A total of 40 per cent of surveyed countries registered “high” or “very high” levels of overall restrictions, according to Pew Research Center’s annual study […]

More than 200 people killed in Christian areas of Nasarawa, Nigeria this year, group says

Morning Star News Armed attacks by Muslim Fulani herdsmen on predominantly Christian communities in Nasarawa state this year have left more than 200 people dead and destroyed homes and farms, sources said. One such attack on a worship service on 19th March in the central Nigerian state’s Oshugu village killed two Christians and displaced hundreds […]

A year after Agatu massacre, Christians continue to be killed in Benue, Nigeria

A year after Muslim Fulani herdsmen slaughtered an estimated 300 predominantly Christian farmers in Agatu, Benue state, deadly attacks continued in the state the first 10 weeks of the year, sources have told Morning Star News. The organisation reports that more than 29 Christians in Agatu and other rural areas were reported to have died […]