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Kenya’s Maasai warriors gather to celebrate “Maasai Olympics”, a rite of passage

Kenya Maasai Olympics1

Kimana Sanctuary, Kenya Reuters Hundreds of youths from the Maasai pastoralists in Kenya gathered on Saturday at a wildlife sanctuary to participate in “Maasai Olympics,” a ceremony promoted by conservationists as an alternative rite of passage for young men in the community.  The spectacle, in which youthful morans or warriors compete in various games and […]

Conquering Kilimanjaro: Women with albinism set to scale Africa’s highest peak

African women

Thomson Reuters Foundation Six African women with albinism who have overcome stigma, abuse, rape and machete attacks are set to scale the continent’s highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro, to dispel the negative perceptions surrounding people with the rare skin condition. The novice climbers – aged between 26 to 35 years old and from Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, […]