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Australians prefer “Merry Christmas” over “Seasons Greetings” while nine in 10 support public nativity scenes, survey finds

Christmas Chart

More than four in five Australians prefer the traditional greeting of ‘Merry Christmas’ over that of ‘Seasons Greetings’ or ‘Happy Holidays’ while 90 per cent support having nativity scenes in public, according to new research. A poll of 1,002 Australians, carried out by McCrindle, also revealed that older generations are more likely to prefer the greeting […]

Americans split on ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Holidays’

RNS Americans remain split on whether they prefer to be met in stores with “Merry Christmas” or a more general greeting like “Happy Holidays,” according to poll results released Monday by Public Religion Research Institute. The poll found 47 per cent of Americans say stores and other businesses should use “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings” out […]