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Moon lander Odysseus tipped sideways on lunar surface but “alive and well”

Reuters The Moon lander dubbed Odysseus is “alive and well” but resting on its side a day after its white-knuckle touchdown as the first private spacecraft ever to reach the lunar surface, and the first from the US since 1972, the company behind the vehicle said on Friday. Houston-based Intuitive Machines also revealed that human […]

Japan counts down to precision ‘Moon sniper’ landing mission

Tokyo, Japan Reuters Japan aims to become the fifth country to put a spacecraft on the Moon when it attempts a precision landing on Friday, in what would be a boost for a space program that has suffered a wave of setbacks and been eclipsed by rival China.  Dubbed the “Moon sniper”, the Japan Aerospace […]

Russia’s Moon craft starts processing first data – space agency

A Soyuz-2.1b rocket booster with a Fregat upper stage and the lunar landing spacecraft Luna-25 blasts off from a launchpad at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in the far eastern Amur region, Russia, on 11th August, 2023.

Moscow, Russia Reuters Russia on Sunday switched on the scientific instruments aboard its lunar lander and scientists began processing its first data as the space craft sped towards the Moon in a bid to be first to find ice on the Earth’s only natural satellite. The Russian Luna-25 mission, the first since 1976, is racing […]