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Pope: Church must take institutional blame for harm done to Indigenous Canadians

Canada Lac Ste Anne Pilgrimage Pope Francis

Lac Ste Anne, Alberta, CanadaReuters Pope Francis on Tuesday said the Roman Catholic Church should accept institutional blame for the harm done to Indigenous Canadians in residential schools that tried to wipe out native cultures.  Francis made his comment during a visit to Lac Ste Anne, a lakeside pilgrimage site about 70 kilometres west of […]

Pope Francis’ meeting with Canada’s Indigenous to focus on elderly, environment

Vatican Canada Phil Fontaine

Vatican CityRNS Pope Francis will travel to Canada on Sunday for what he has described as a “penitential pilgrimage” to atone for the Catholic Church’s part in the persecution of Indigenous communities and its mistreatment and alienation of Indigenous children in residential schools. But Francis’ six-day apostolic visit isn’t only about bringing the Pope’s presence […]