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Ethiopian police release detained Reuters cameraman without charge

Reuters cameraman Kumerra Gemechu

Nairobi, KenyaReuters Ethiopian police released Reuters cameraman Kumerra Gemechu on Tuesday after detaining him without charge for 12 days. Police had told his lawyer Melkamu Ogo that their lines of inquiry included accusations of disseminating false information, communicating with groups fighting the government, and disturbing the public’s peace and security. However, Ogo said he had […]

Ethiopian police arrest Reuters cameraman

Reuters cameraman Kumerra Gemechu

Nairobi, KenyaReuters A Reuters cameraman, Kumerra Gemechu, was arrested in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Thursday and will be kept in custody for at least two weeks, his family said. He has not been charged. No reason was provided to the family for Thursday’s arrest, and police did not respond to Reuters requests for […]