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Texas judge temporarily blocks attempt to shut down Annunciation House

United States RNS A state judge has temporarily blocked Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s efforts to investigate and close Annunciation House, a volunteer-run network of Catholic migrant shelters based in El Paso. Paxton attempted to “run roughshod over Annunciation House, without regard to due process or fair play,” wrote state District Judge Francisco Dominguez in […]

US judge blocks Texas law cracking down on illegal border crossings

Reuters A federal judge in Texas on Thursday blocked the Republican-led state’s new law giving officials broad powers to arrest, prosecute and order the removal of people who illegally cross the US-Mexico border. US District Judge David Ezra in Austin agreed with Democratic President Joe Biden’s administration that the law known as SB4 interferes with […]

In the US, Catholics rally around Annunciation House after lawsuit

United States RNS Catholics are rallying around Annunciation House, a network of Catholic migrant shelters based in El Paso, Texas, after the state’s Attorney General, Ken Paxton, has attempted to shut down the non-profit.  “Our church, our city and our country owe Annunciation House a deep debt of gratitude,” El Paso’s Catholic Bishop, Mark Seitz, […]

Texas Attorney General moves to shut down Catholic migrant shelters

United States RNS Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued a volunteer-run network of Catholic migrant shelters based in El Paso, Texas, aiming to revoke the organisation’s non-profit registration. The lawsuit comes after Annunciation House moved to delay handing over documents about its clients to the Attorney General. Paxton’s office said it had demanded Annunciation House records because of […]