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Rick Warren campaigns for Southern Baptist reinstatement of Saddleback Church

US SBC annual meeting 2022 Rick Warren

United StatesRNS Days before the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, former megachurch pastor Rick Warren has appealed to his fellow Southern Baptists to overturn a denominational decision to oust his Saddleback Church because it permits women to serve with the title pastor. “This should be the moment where 47,000+ autonomous, independent, freedom-loving churches say NO […]

Saddleback Church appealing its ouster from the Southern Baptists on issue of women pastors

Congregants arrive at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., on Sunday, 16th October, 2022.

APUnited States Saddleback Church, the Southern California megachurch founded by best-selling author Rick Warren, is appealing its ouster from the Southern Baptist Convention for having women pastors on staff, according to the denomination. Saddleback is asking the annual meeting of the SBC, which convenes next month in New Orleans, to overturn a February decision by […]