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Chad votes in first Sahel presidential poll since wave of coups

N’Djamena, Chad Reuters Chadians go to the polls on Monday three years after their military leader seized power, in the first presidential election in Africa’s Sahel region since a wave of coups. Analysts say Mahamat Idriss Deby, who seized power the day rebels killed his long-ruling father Idriss Deby in April, 2021, is most likely […]

Chad prepares to vote in a coup-hit region, wary allies look on

N’Djamena, Chad Reuters Chad will hold presidential elections on Monday, making it the first in a string of coup-hit states across Central and West Africa to use the ballot box to try to emerge from years of military rule. Opposition groups have already cried foul. The candidate widely expected to win is Mahamat Idriss Deby […]