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Ethiopian and Tigray forces launch hotline as new peace talks begin

South Africa Ethiopia Tigray talks

Nairobi, KenyaReuters The Ethiopian Government and Tigrayan forces have established a telephone hotline to help maintain a ceasefire struck last week, and both sides met in Kenya on Monday for a new round of talks on implementing the truce. Ethiopia’s government and regional forces from Tigray agreed last Wednesday to cease hostilities after talks mediated […]

South, North Korea have restored hotlines as leaders seek to rebuild ties

Panmunjom South Korean soldiers

Seoul, South KoreaReuters South and North Korea have restored hotlines that Pyongyang severed a year ago when ties deteriorated sharply, with renewed efforts by the two countries’ leaders to rebuild relations, the South’s presidential Blue House said on Tuesday. South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have exchanged multiple letters since […]