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After two mass shootings, can Serbia rid itself of guns?

A police officer stands guard in front of the weapons handed over to police in the first ten days of gun amnesty in police storage following mass shootings in the country, near Smederevo, Serbia, on 14th May, 2023.

Belgrade, SerbiaReuters After Serbia was rocked by two mass shootings in two days earlier in May, Branko, 54, surrendered his unlicensed arms under a government amnesty: four assault rifles, nine handguns, eight grenades and many boxes of ammunition. The huge cache of weapons handed over by just one veteran of the wars that tore apart […]

COVID-19, shootings: Is mass death now tolerated in America?

US New York Buffalo shooting memorial

MICHELLE R SMITH, of Associated Press, reports from the US that the sheer numbers of deaths – caused by everything from from COVID-19 to mass shootings – has some grappling with the question of whether mass death become accepted in the US…

US gun control group starts faith-driven push ahead of election

John Feinblatt Everytown for Gun Safety

New York City, USAP A leading gun control advocacy group has enlisted more than a dozen religious leaders to boost voter turnout this fall in support of candidates who support measures to prevent gun violence. Everytown for Gun Safety, which expects to spend $US60 million on this year’s elections, is forging its interfaith effort amid […]

Ten dead after gunman opens fire at US school

Ten people, mostly high school students, have been killed and a similar number wounded after a gunman opened fire at a Texas school. In the deadliest US school attack since the shootings in Florida in February in which 17 died, the gunman allegedly walked into an art class at Santa Fe High School, near Houston, […]