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Italian climate change protesters turn Venice’s Grand Canal green

People ride in boats as waters of Grand Canal turned green after a protest by 'Extinction Rebellion' climate activists in Venice, Italy, on 9th December, 2023.

Venice, Italy Reuters Italian environmentalists used a dye to turn Venice’s Grand Canal green on Saturday in protest at what they said was a lack of progress at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai. The protesters from the Extinction Rebellion group, dangling from the Rialto Bridge over the canal with the aid of climbing ropes, […]

Venice’s waters turn fluorescent green near Rialto Bridge

Venice's waters turn green due to an unknown substance near the Rialto Bridge, in Venice, Italy in this handout image released on 28th May, 2023.

Milan, ItalyReuters The waters in Venice’s main canal turned fluorescent green on Sunday in the area near the Rialto bridge and authorities are seeking to trace the cause, Italy’s fire department said. The regional environmental protection agency has received samples of the altered waters and is working to identify the substance that changed their colour, […]