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Losing Indonesian presidential candidate Ganjar calls for new election

Jakarta, Indonesia Reuters The legal team of losing Indonesia presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo filed a complaint at the country’s constitutional court on Saturday, calling for a fresh election and disqualification of the winning team of defence minister Prabowo Subianto. Ganjar, a former Central Java governor supported by the ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), […]

Indonesia’s President-elect Prabowo urges unity after resounding victory

Jakarta, Indonesia Reuters Indonesia’s Prabowo Subianto pledged on Wednesday to be a president for all Indonesians after official results showed him sweeping last month’s election, even as rivals said they would mount legal challenges over the electoral process. The former special forces commander and current defence minister won the 14th February contest with nearly 60 […]

Indonesia’s Prabowo claims victory after presidential election rout

Jakarta, Indonesia Reuters Indonesian Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto declared victory in Wednesday’s presidential election after unofficial results showed him trouncing rivals in his third shot at the top job in the world’s third-largest democracy.  Former special forces commander Prabowo clinched about 58 per ent of votes according to unofficial “quick counts” by four independent pollsters, […]

Huge rallies in Indonesia as candidates finish election campaign

Jakarta, Indonesia Reuters Hundreds of thousands of supporters of Indonesia’s presidential contenders packed final rallies in the capital Jakarta and the Central Java city of Solo on Saturday, ahead of the world’s biggest single-day election. Candidates enter a cooling-off period on Sunday, running through election day on Wednesday, when voters will choose among three contestants […]