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West Africa in another bid to engage with Niger coup leaders

Niger's junta supporters take part in a demonstration in front of a French army base in Niamey, Niger, on 11th August, 2023.

Abuja, NIgeriaReuters West Africa’s ECOWAS bloc aims to send a parliamentary committee to Niger to meet coup leaders who seized power last month, a spokesperson said on Saturday, part of a last ditch regional effort to restore civilian rule that includes religious leaders.  Niger’s military last month imprisoned President Mohamed Bazoum and dissolved the elected […]

Niger junta meets Nigeria envoys ahead of summit with regional leaders

General Abdourahmane Tiani, who was declared as the new head of state of Niger by leaders of a coup, arrives to meet with ministers in Niamey, Niger, on 28th July, 2023.

Niamey NigerReuters Niger’s military junta met with two Nigerian envoys on Wednesday, offering hope for dialogue before a summit with regional leaders that could result in military action to restore democracy. The talks took place as Niger accused France of violating its airspace, attacking a military camp and freeing “terrorists” to undermine the country. Paris […]

Niger junta supporters protest sanctions as region considers intervention

Niger - Niamey - pro-coup protestors

Niamey, Niger/Abuja, NigeriaReuters Hundreds of supporters of Niger’s junta marched in the capital Niamey on Thursday to protest against West African sanctions, as regional defence chiefs discussed possible intervention to restore democracy. General Abdourahamane Tiani, the former head of Niger’s presidential guard, confined President Mohamed Bazoum to his residence last Wednesday and declared himself head […]

West Africa threatens force on Niger coup leaders, French embassy attacked

Pro-junta demonstrators gathered outside the French embassy, try to set it on fire before being dispersed by Nigerian security forces in Niamey, the capital city of Niger, on 30th July, 2023.

NIamey, Niger/Abuja, NigeriaReuters West African nations imposed sanctions and threatened force on Sunday if Niger’s coup leaders fail to reinstate ousted President Mohammed Bazoum within a week, while supporters of the junta attacked the French embassy in Niamey.  The 15-nation ECOWAS bloc’s response to the Sahel region’s seventh coup of recent years came as crowds […]

Niger loses aid as Western countries condemn coup

General Abdourahmane Tiani, who was declared as the new head of state of Niger by leaders of a coup, arrives to meet with ministers in Niamey, Niger, on 28th July, 2023.

Niamey, Niger Reuters The European Union and France have cut off financial support to Niger and the United States has threatened to do the same, after military leaders this week announced they had overthrown democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum.  Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, receiving close to $US2 billion a […]

Niger military council takes over, US says room for diplomacy remains

An aerial view of traffic on a street in the capital Niamey, Niger, on 28th July, 2023.

Niamey, NigerReuters Leaders of a coup in Niger declared General Abdourahamane Tiani as the new head of state on Friday days after saying they had ousted President Mohamed Bazoum in the seventh military takeover in West and Central Africa in less than three years. African countries, Western powers and regional and international organisations have voiced […]