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Donors must act now to save East Africa from famine, IRC says

Kenya dry water hole

Nairobi, Kenya Reuters Donors need to provide cash now to save lives and not wait for famine to be declared in parts of East Africa where tens of millions of people are going hungry, the head of the International Rescue Committee said on Tuesday. Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are suffering their worst drought in 40 […]

Haiti gang blockade is causing catastrophic hunger, UN officials say

Haiti Port au Prince girls

Miami, USReuters Haitians are experiencing catastrophic hunger because of gangsters blockading a major fuel terminal, UN officials said on Friday, with more than four million facing acute food insecurity. A coalition of gangs has prevented the distribution of diesel and gasoline for over a month to protest a plan to cut fuel subsidies. Most transport […]

Ukraine war diverts attention from hunger, Pope says in Somalia appeal

Vatican Pope Francis 14 Aug 2022

Vatican CityReuters Pope Francis said on Sunday that the war in Ukraine had distracted attention from the problem of world hunger and called for urgent food aid to stave off looming famine in Somalia. “The people of this region, who already live in very precarious conditions, are now in mortal danger because of drought,” he […]

Famine may have been averted, but Afghan economic crisis deepens – UN envoy

Afghanistan Kabul money exchange market

Reuters Humanitarian agencies may have distributed enough aid in Afghanistan to avert famine and large-scale starvation, but the country’s economic collapse is “approaching a point of irreversibility,” the UN envoy to Kabul said this week. UN Special Representative Deborah Lyons told the UN Security Council on Wednesday that it is “most urgent” to resolve the root problems […]

Pope decries Ethiopia’s humanitarian crisis, urges dialogue

Vatican Pope Francis 7 Nov 2021

Vatican CityAP Pope Francis on Sunday decried the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia and pressed for dialogue to prevail over the protracted war.  The pontiff in his traditional appearance to the public in St Peter’s Square said he was following the news with “worry” from the Horn of Africa, particularly from Ethiopia, “shaken by a conflict that […]

UN chief tells Ethiopia’s Abiy he does not accept staff expulsions

Ethiopia Tigray Shire food aid2

New York City, USReuters The United Nations does not accept Ethiopia’s decision to expel seven senior UN officials as famine looms in the war-torn region of Tigray, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Friday.  Ethiopia declared the officials personae non grata on Thursday and gave them 72 hours to leave, […]

UN aid chief to Ethiopia on famine in Tigray: “Get those trucks moving”

UN Under Secretary General for humanitarian affairs Martin Griffiths

United NationsReuters United Nations aid chief Martin Griffiths said on Tuesday he assumes famine has taken hold in Ethiopia’s Tigray where a nearly three-month long “de-facto blockade” has restricted aid deliveries to 10 per cent of what is needed in the war-torn region. Griffiths told Reuters during an interview that his request was simple: “Get […]