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US “deeply troubled” by attacks on civilians as Taliban sweep across Afghanistan

Afghanistan Chaman Taliban flags

New Delhi, India/Kabul, Afghanistan Reuters The United States said on Wednesday it was deeply troubled by reports of escalating attacks on civilians as the Taliban sweep across Afghanistan and Washington pulls out its last remaining troops and ends its longest war. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, on a visit to India, said the only path […]

Ethiopia’s Somali region says town attacked, amid new local flare ups

Ethiopia Somali region

Addis AbabaReuters The local government in Ethiopia’s Somali region said on Tuesday militia from the neighbouring region of Afar had attacked and looted a town, the latest flare-up in a local boundary dispute that adds to broader tensions in the Horn of Africa nation. Ali Bedel, spokesperson for the Somali region government, said Afar militia […]

Seats filled for first all-civilian spaceflight crew

SpaceX citizen astronauts

Reuters A college science professor and an aerospace data analyst were named on Tuesday to round out a four-member crew for a SpaceX launch into orbit planned later this year billed as the first all-civilian spaceflight in history. The two latest citizen astronauts were introduced at a news briefing live-streamed from the Kennedy Space Center […]

UN wants selfies to make world leaders face cost of war

UN building

Thomson Reuters Foundation Thousands of selfies are to be displayed on a 3D installation at the United Nations in New York to highlight the plight of millions caught in conflict worldwide and demand protection for those trying to help them, the world body said on Friday. The UN is asking people around the world to […]

Civilians bearing the brunt of fighting in Somalia, UN report finds

Parties fighting in Somalia are not doing enough to protect civilians with thousands injured or killed in the past two years, according to a new UN report. Produced by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), the report shows that between 1st January, […]

Some 10,000 people a day fleeing western Mosul in Iraq as fighting continues

Some 10,000 people are fleeing west Mosul in Iraq every day as a military offensive to retake the city from the so-called Islamic State continues. The UN said on Friday that Iraqi Government figures showed the number of those fleeing peaked at a daily high of 16,100 on 18th May at the Hamam al-Alil screening site […]