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In the US, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary names David Dockery as new president

David Dockery was elected the 10th president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

United StatesRNS Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary announced this week that longtime Christian educator David Dockery had been named the school’s president, seven months after the former president resigned unexpectedly. Dockery has been serving as interim president of Southwestern since September, 2022, after the departure of Adam Greenway, who had been installed in February, 2019. David Dockery was […]

German Social Democrats beat conservatives in vote to decide Merkel successor

Germany election SPD supporters

Berlin, GermanyReuters Germany’s Social Democrats narrowly won Sunday’s national election, projected results showed, and claimed a “clear mandate” to lead a government for the first time since 2005 and to end 16 years of conservative-led rule under Angela Merkel. The centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) were on track for 26 per cent of the vote, ahead […]

Making elephants dance: a guide to Germany’s electoral system

Germany Berlin election posters

Berlin, GermanyReuters Sixty million voters, casting twice as many votes for 47 parties, leading to a parliament that could have anywhere from 700 to as much as 1,000 legislators – the German electoral system is baffling even to Germans. Here are its key features. How it works?Germany’s electoral system was designed in reaction to the […]