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Shifting views on women in ministry: Dr Mike Bird to speak about his changed perspective at Christians for Biblical Equality event in Sydney

Australia Dr Mike Bird

Sydney, Australia The role of women in the church has been contested for centuries. Both complementarian and egalitarian perspectives cite Scripture as the basis of their beliefs about whether women and men have equal ministry opportunities.  But what happens when a respected Bible scholar and theologian shifts in his position from one interpretation to the […]

In Uganda, Anglican Church appeals for food donations to feed thousands starving in Karamoja

Uganda Karamoja food relief1

Kampala, Uganda The Anglican Church of Uganda is mobilising food items and cash for thousands of people facing starvation in north-eastern Uganda.  All the nine districts of the Karamoja sub-region – located in the country’s north-east between Kenya and South Sudan – are facing serious hunger with almost half a million people going hungry, according to […]

Australian Anglicans split over same-sex marriage

Australia Anglican Primate Geoffrey Smith and Glenn Davies

RNS A conservative splinter group opposed to same-sex marriage announced the formation this week of a new Anglican diocese in Australia, triggering an apparent split in the church in that country. The launch of the Diocese of the Southern Cross prompted the head of the Anglican Church of Australia, Primate Geoffrey Smith, to issue a statement on […]

Same-sex marriage sparks divisive debate at twice-delayed Lambeth Conference

UK Canterbury Anglican bishops 2008 Lambeth Conference

London, UKRNS Anglican bishops from all over the world began the Lambeth Conference this week amid a furious conflict over same-sex marriage and a scramble by the archbishop of Canterbury and other church leaders to defuse it.  The conference, meeting for the first time in 14 years, was supposed to be an attempt to bring […]

Kenya’s church leaders call for peace in lead-up to presidential election

Kenya election Raila Odinga

Nairobi, Kenya Church leaders across the country are calling for peace ahead of the 9th August presidential election contest between political long-hauler Raila Odinga and the current Deputy President, William Ruto. The East African country of more than 53 million people has experienced election violence several times in the last two decades. The worst was […]

In Australia, Anglican General Synod divided on same-sex marriage

Sydney, Australia The blocking of a resolution rejecting same-sex marriage has threatened to divide Australia’s Anglican Church. A motion introduced to the 2022 General Synod by representatives of the Sydney Diocese sought to condemn the blessing of same-sex marriages. On 11th May, the General Synod considered a resolution introduced by Sydney Archbishop Kanishka Raffel. The resolution said that […]

Anglican leader visits Canadian residential school survivors

Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, CanadaAP The head of the Anglican Church told a gathering of Canadian residential school survivors Saturday he was sorry for the church’s role in the “terrible crime” that was committed. Rev Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, visited the James Smith Cree Nation and heard stories shared by residential school survivors. “It […]

Australian Anglican bishops call on government to increase refugee intake

Australia Anglican Primate Archbishop of Adelaide Geoffrey Smith

Sydney, Australia A group of 40 Anglican Bishops have written to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, calling on him to lift Australia’s national refugee intake. The call for an increase comes in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan. The 40 bishops co-signed an open […]