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Bolsonaro’s ex-justice minister Torres arrested in Brazilian capital

Brazil Anderson Torres 2022

Brasilia, BrazilReuters Brazil’s former Justice Minister Anderson Torres, who was in charge of public security in Brasilia during the invasion of government buildings a week ago, was arrested in Brasilia on Saturday on suspicion of “omission” and “connivance”.  Torres was arrested after returning to Brazil on Saturday. He had been on vacation in Florida, the […]

Brazil’s prosecutors ask top court to investigate Bolsonaro role in Brasilia riots

US Florida Jair Bolsonaro

Brasilia, BrazilReuters Brazilian federal prosecutors on Friday asked the Supreme Court to investigate former President Jair Bolsonaro for allegedly encouraging anti-democratic protests that ended in the storming of government buildings by his supporters in Brasilia. Bolsonaro will be investigated for possible “instigation and intellectual authorship of the anti-democratic acts that resulted in vandalism and violence […]