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Music: Intimate and tender songs for sleep

Getty Evensong

MARCUS CHEONG reviews Keith and Kristyn Getty’s latest album, ‘Evensong’…

Keith and Kristyn Getty
Evensong: Hymns and Lullabies at the Close of Day

In A Word: Peaceful

Getty Evensong


“Evensong marks a shift in style from anthemic rousing hymns, sung by large congregations, to the peaceful, reflective and vulnerable lullabies that a parent might sing to their children.”

Keith and Kristyn Getty have focused their musical career on producing modern hymns that teach Christian doctrine and have a classical, yet contemporary, sound. Their latest album is Evensong, a collection of lullabies and peaceful songs that create an atmosphere of calm and peace.

Most well known for their reinvention of the hymn, In Christ Alone, the Getty’s songs are sung in churches throughout the world and their ministry has now extended into conferences, books, concerts and TV appearances. Evensong marks a shift in style from anthemic rousing hymns, sung by large congregations, to the peaceful, reflective and vulnerable lullabies that a parent might sing to their children.

In fact, these are songs that the Gettys have sung to their own daughters, as Kristyn states: “Singing God’s truth into both the more quiet and vulnerable moments of the day has been a centrepiece of raising our own kids.” Kristyn’s vocals are intimate, tender and caring and it really feels as if the singer is speaking directly to you. Acoustic guitars, celestial sounding, strings, harps and keys complete the gentle instrumentation.

Kristyn is joined by choruses of children and there are several guest appearances by renowned musicians and singers. Highlights include His Eye is on the Sparrow – a soulful duet with Tony Award winner, Heather Headley (Lion King, Aida). Jesus, Friend of Little Children is fused together with Yes, Jesus Loves Me to create a gentle, prayerful medley of the two famous hymns. Abide With Me builds from a single voice to an angelic chorus while the title song Evensong reinvents the classic children’s prayer Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.

The album was conceived before the current state of global unrest. But, in an age when anxiety, insomnia and tensions are on the rise, Evensong is a timely release that can shift the atmosphere and focus to God. In the Getty’s own words “I hope these songs help people dwell on the Lord and His promises; to release a burdened mind, to calm a restless heart and point us towards real peace in Christ.”




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