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Open Doors 2024 Watch List highlights persecution of sub-Saharan African Christians

United States RNS In its annual list detailing countries of concern when it comes to persecution against Christians, the watchdog organization Open Doors International highlighted outbreaks of violence against sub-Saharan African Christians, where 16.2 million were forced out of their homes at the end of 2022. The report, published at the beginning of every year, […]

Essay: Six ways inequality holds back climate action

Against the backdrop of the World Economic Forum taking place this week, EMMA GARNETT and CHARLOTTE A KUKOWSKI explain, in an article first published on The Conversation, why inequality remains one of the biggest barriers to the net zero transition…

Scientists reveal how Greenland Ice Sheet has shrunk over past four decades

London, US Reuters The Greenland Ice Sheet lost 5,091 square kilometres  of area between 1985 and 2022, according to a study in the journal Nature published on Wednesday, the first full ice-sheet wide estimate of area loss on that scale. This shrinkage reflected the 1,034 gigatonnes (1.034 trillion kilograms) of ice that have been lost […]

Lifestory: After 20 years, Terry Mattingly bids farewell to GetReligion

Religion reporting still matters, Mattingly says, but the internet’s ‘preaching to the choir’ algorithms have won out. BOB SMIETANA, of Religion News Service, reports on the end of an era… United States RNS Terry Mattingly has spent most of his life trying to get religion. An Orthodox Christian convert whose father was a Southern Baptist preacher, […]

Winter weather snarls air, train travel across Europe

Frankfurt, Germany/Oslo, Norway Reuters Freezing rain in central and southern Germany grounded hundreds of flights and disrupted train travel on Wednesday, while heavy snowfall in Norway’s capital led to the temporary closure of its main airport. Germany’s massive Frankfurt airport cancelled all flights in early afternoon as jets could no longer be de-iced, but later […]

Pakistan recalls envoy from Iran after “unprovoked” missile strikes

Islamabad, Pakistan Reuters Pakistan recalled its ambassador from neighbouring Iran on Wednesday to protest at a “blatant breach” of its sovereignty after Tehran said it launched missile attacks on militant bases in south-western Pakistan. Iran’s foreign minister said it hit militants in “missile and drone” strikes. State media said Iranian missiles struck two bases of […]

Fighting intensifies in Ukraine’s east as Russia steps up offensive action

Near Bakhmut, Ukraine Reuters Ukrainian artillery forces fighting near the Russian-occupied city of Bakhmut say Russian troops are constantly making offensive assaults as fighting intensifies and Kyiv waits for more military aid from the West. Ukrainian forces have taken up a more defensive stance in many areas of the snow-bound front after a counter-offensive last […]

Look beyond profit to heal “lacerated world”, Pope tells Davos leaders

Vatican City Reuters Pope Francis on Wednesday urged political, economic and business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos to look beyond profit and try to heal an “increasingly lacerated” world with moral and ethical decisions.  Pope Francis leads the Angelus prayer at the Vatican, on 7th January, 2024. PICTURE: Vatican Media/­Handout via Reuters […]

Israel presses assault in southern Gaza, Jordan says field hospital badly damaged

Gaza/Israel-Gaza border/Doha, Qatar Reuters Israel pressed its assault on Khan Younis in southern Gaza on Wednesday, sending tanks westwards and prompting accusations from Jordan that its field hospital in the city had been badly damaged by nearby shelling. The Jordanian army said it held Israel responsible for a “flagrant breach of international law” in what it […]