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African climate summit seeks to shift focus to finance from floods, famine

An aerial view of Garamba forest in Haute Uele region of northeastern Congo, on 21st February, 2009

Nairobi, KenyaReuters How to finance environmental priorities and shift the focus from Africa as victim of floods and famine will be central to the debate at the continent’s first climate summit next week, while activists resist plans to expand carbon markets for funding.  African countries contribute only about three per cent of global carbon emissions, […]

African Union suspends Gabon’s membership after military coup

A military vehicle passes by people celebrating after military officers announced they had taken power, after the state election body announced President Ali Bongo had won a third term, in Port Gentil, Gabon, on 30th August, 2023

Libreville, GabonReuters The African Union on Thursday suspended Gabon’s membership one day after military officers ousted President Ali Bongo, the first regional response to the eighth coup in West and Central Africa since 2020. The takeover ends the Bongo family dynasty’s almost six decades in power and creates a new conundrum for a region hit […]

Ukraine tells critics of slow counter-offensive to “shut up”; Russia holds elections in occupied regions

Ukrainian servicemen ride in a BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system near a front line, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, on 31st August, 2023.

Kyiv, UkraineReuters  Ukraine told critics of the pace of its three-month-old counter-offensive to “shut up” on Thursday, the sharpest signal yet of Kyiv’s frustration at leaks from Western officials who say its forces are advancing too slowly. Since launching a much vaunted counter-offensive using many billions of dollars of Western military equipment, Ukraine has recaptured […]