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YouVersion Bible app hires former Facebook exec to fuel growth

YouVersion Bible app

United StatesRNS This past Sunday (15th January), more than 12 million people turned on their smartphones to open up the Good Book. It was the highest ever daily engagement in the nearly 15-year history of the YouVersion Bible app. If Bobby Gruenewald, the Oklahoma-based pastor who has overseen the free Bible app since the beginning, […]

Celebrations in the UK and beyond as ‘Amazing Grace’ marks 250 years

UK Olney Amazing Grace service

Norwich, UK Sung more than 10 million times every year, Amazing Grace has become much more than just a song as Amanda Molcher, a trustee at the Cowper & Newton Museum discovered while researching what it meant to people. This little museum in Olney, Buckinghamshire, focuses on Amazing Grace and its author, Rev John Newton, […]