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Ukraine orders punitive measures on clerics with Moscow links

Ukraine Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery security services

Kyiv, UkraineReuters Ukraine’s top security officials have ordered punitive measures against seven senior clerics, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday, part of a crackdown on a branch of the Orthodox Church with longstanding ties to Moscow. The clerics are among Orthodox leaders known to have been sympathetic to Russia’s portrayal of its 10-month-old invasion of […]

German aid worker freed after kidnapping four years ago in Niger, says employer

Dakar, SenegalReuters A 63-year-old German aid worker, Joerg Lange, has been freed more than four years after he was kidnapped in western Niger near the Malian border, his employer, humanitarian organisation Help, said in a statement on Saturday. Armed men on motorcycles kidnapped Lange in April, 2018, near the Nigerien town of Inates in borderlands […]

Explainer – Why did past targets to protect nature fail over the last decade?

Japan Nagoya COP10

Montreal, Canada Reuters This month’s UN biodiversity talks in Montreal aim to hammer out a new, global agreement. But this isn’t the first time governments have tried to halt environmental loss through agreed targets.  In fact, many of the 24 conservation targets under discussion now aim to avoid past mistakes and improve on the world’s […]