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Migrant charity ship spurned by Italy heads to France

Mediterranean Sea Ocean Viking migrant rescue

Rome, ItalyReuters A migrant rescue ship with more than 200 people on board headed to France on Tuesday after Italy refused it permission to dock as its new right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attempts to crack down on migration across the Mediterranean. Meloni’s two-week-old government has told charity vessels to take rescued people to other […]

Americans cast final ballots in election to determine control of Congress

US Pennsylvania Harrisberg midterms

Royal Oak, Michigan/Phoenix, Arizona, USReuters Americans on Tuesday cast the final ballots in closely fought elections that will determine whether Republicans win control of Congress, which would give them the power to block much of President Joe Biden’s agenda in the next two years. Motivated by concerns about high inflation and crime, voters were poised […]

Former Pope Benedict to mount legal defence over abuse cover-up accusation

Italy Pope Benedict XVI Castel Gandolfo 2013

Berlin, GermanyReuters Former Pope Benedict XVI plans to defend himself in a civil lawsuit lodged at a German court by a man who accuses him of helping to cover up historical abuse, a court spokesperson said on Tuesday. In the latest twist in a long-running scandal engulfing the Catholic Church, a so-called declaratory action was […]

Ukraine denies Western pressure to soften stance on talks with Russia

Ukraine Nikopol damaged home

Kyiv, UkraineReuters Ukraine denied on Tuesday that it was under Western pressure to negotiate with Russia, doubling down on its insistence that talks could be held only if Russia relinquishes all occupied territory. The remarks came days after a high profile Washington Post report that the United States had encouraged Kyiv to signal willingness for […]

COP27: Polluters must pay for climate change, poor nations tell rich

Egypt Sharm El Sheikh COP27 3

Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt Reuters Leaders from poor countries criticised wealthy governments and oil companies for driving global warming, using their speeches on Tuesday at the COP27 climate summit in Egypt to demand that they pay up for damages being inflicted on their economies. Small island states already buffeted by increasingly violent ocean storms and sea-level […]

Biden warns on risk to democracy, Trump hints at another run on eve of midterms

US Philadelphia Joe Biden

Bowie, Maryland, USReuters In a stark closing argument ahead of the US midterm elections, President Joe Biden on Monday warned that a Republican victory could weaken the country’s democratic institutions, while former President Donald Trump hinted he could announce another White House bid as soon as next week. Biden’s comments reflected the deep political divide […]

Mourners weep over 19 coffins after Tanzania plane crash

Tanzania Bukoba Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Reuters Weeping relatives of the 19 people who died when a plane crashed into Lake Victoria in Tanzania filed past a row of coffins in the lakeside town of Bukoba on Monday as religious and political leaders gathered for a ceremony to honour the victims. Flight PW494, operated by Tanzanian airline […]