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Essay: January 6 committee must address Christian nationalism

US US Capitol AQnon Shaman

In an article first published on Religion News Service, AMANDA TYLER, lead organiser of Christians Against Christian Nationalism, says the Congress hearings provide an opportunity for the public to see Christian nationalism for what it is…

UK’s Prince William spotted selling homeless magazine on the streets of London

UK Platinum Jubilee Prince William2

London, UKReuters Prince William, second in line to the British throne, was spotted on the streets of London this week, selling copies of the Big Issue magazine, a title that is normally sold by the homeless. Wearing the company’s red cap and vest, William was seen near Westminster on Wednesday selling the magazine, which offers homeless […]

Former La Luz del Mundo members say pastor deserves longer sentence

US LA Naason Joaquin Garcia

Los Angeles, US RNS Detractors and ex-members of La Luz del Mundo say its leader deserved a more severe punishment than the nearly 17-year sentence he received on Wednesday for sexually abusing young female followers who said he made them his sex slaves. In court, five young women the pastor was charged with sexually abusing […]