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Your own CIA jail? Lithuania to sell secret US ‘rendition’ site

Lithuania Detention Site Violet

Antaviliai, LithuaniaReuters A huge steel barn outside Lithuania’s capital, whose long corridor and windowless rooms with carpets and soundproof doors once served as a CIA detention centre, will soon go on sale. Washington’s so-called “rendition program”, under which suspected Islamist militants from conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq were spirited to jails outside US jurisdiction, remains shrouded […]

Spain: Catholic Church agrees to return usurped real estate

Madrid, SpainAP The body representing Catholic bishops in Spain has acknowledged that nearly 1,000 real estate properties across the country were registered as possessions of the Church despite having no proof of ownership or clearly belonging to others. The Catholic Church will now begin a process to “regularize” those properties, according to a joint statement […]

Swing for the grandstand

Cricket shot

Are you a ‘swing for the grandstand’ kind of person? PICTURE: Michael Weir/Unsplash That’s a person who puts in maximum effort whenever they do anything. That’s how I started life, and I’ve still got a bit of it in me. If I did something, I did it wholeheartedly, or not at all. That’s something I realised […]

NATO sends reinforcements and US puts troops on alert as Ukraine tensions rise

Ukraine soldier

Moscow, Russia/Brussels, BelgiumReuters NATO said on Monday it was putting forces on standby and reinforcing eastern Europe with more ships and fighter jets, in what Russia denounced as Western “hysteria” in response to its build-up of troops on the Ukraine border. The US Department of Defense in Washington said about 8,500 American troops were put […]