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Lasers reveal long-hidden Roman frescoes with Biblical themes


RNS   This fresco shows Christ flanked by two saints who were believed to be Christian martyrs. It has been restored by laser technology used inside the Domitilla catacombs for the first time in a project backed by the Vatican. PICTURE: Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology Ancient frescoes have been rediscovered inside the 1,600-year-old Domitilla catacombs […]


Food on fork

I was a pain of a child. When I didn’t like something to eat, I’d make a huge fuss about not wanting it, about allergies, about poison, breaking the UN convention on the rights of a child if you fed it to me, etcetera, etcetera.  PICTURE: When my parents finally forced some down my […]

Pakistani sewage worker dies after three doctors on Ramadan fast allegedly refused to touch him

World Watch Monitor A Pakistani Christian sewerage cleaner has died after three doctors allegedly refused to treat him till his sludge-covered body had been washed; they said their Ramadan fast would be invalid (“makruh”) because he was “unclean” and also belonged to a low caste. (The word for low caste, “chuhra”, especially derogatory, is reserved for sanitary workers and […]